Superior program. Excellent service. Customer approved.
At CPRToday! we believe that reputation speaks louder than any advertising. And with more than half of
our new clients coming from referrals, it's no surprise that our customers have wonderful things to say about us. But don't
just take our word for it, read what some of our clients had to say and you'll see why we feel good about coming to work every day.
"As a Dr. I have to say that this is the best way to get as many people trained in saving lives.
I will say that my daughter saved her brother's life, my son, who was choking on a food using the techniques you teach. Of all the first aid measures this
is by far the most important and I would be happy to place my words on the testimonials. I also do a lot of athletic training so I know how important this is for
coaches. In fact I believe that it should be a requirement and I have made it one for all my football and basketball and baseball coaches to get certified in on
your site. I have it now in my pack for corporate training and the like. Keep up the great work, you are saving lives every day!"
Dr. John P. DeMannMason, OH
"Thanks for the great course and the opportunity to do things this way!!
Many thanks for the TERRIFIC course as well as the opportunity for busy professionals who are still at the office and computers at this late hour."
Billie-Lee Williams, RN, Ph.D.Director of Clinical/Professional Services San Jose, CA
"I just want to say thank you very much for a lovely and enjoyable experience.
I had taken in-house CPR a number of years ago. Did not keep it up for bunches of reasons. Decided I need it again (bunches of reasons).
I found your course and am very happy I did. The format and presentations are excellent. Material is clear, concise and totally relevant.
Yes, I passed the test on the first go. I give you mondo credit here also. I have severe test anxiety, but the test was even non-threatening.
I will highly recommend your course for anyone in need of or interested in learning basic first aid/cpr. Again, thank you very much. "
Martha HigginsLanesville, NY
"Thank you for your online class.
I had signed up for an 8 hour class through the Red Cross for $82.00 and accidentally found CPRToday for a much cheaper price and
in only 3 hours completion time and the same material that Red Cross uses. I will definitely be recommending this class to everyone I
know. Thank you!"
Cynthia Daly, CNAWasilla, Ak
"I should say that your program was great!!! Thanks!
I will refer my classmates from USC Nursing Program to you. You are the best!!!"
Larisa DemidovaSherman Oaks, CA
"...the exam is basically the one that Red Cross uses.
I took the exam in no time and passed. My certificate looks great. I am a Licensed Child Daycare Provider in Virginia.
Thanks for the program. I will continue to use it." Thelma SessaRadford, VA
"I will recommend your service to the ISSA...
I received hands on AHA CPR certification two years ago and your online course was far superior!"
Monica NeaveTucson, AZ
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
I have been a nurse 12 years and it was a pleasure to renew my certification so easily."
Bonita CostelloBuffalo, NY
"Thanks for the course...
I am a full time student & full time medical personel with no time to spare.
I will send my fellow students your way." Ashraf El-MasryShoreline, WA
"Excellent customer service indeed!
Thanks to your quick response...
I was able to quickly take and pass the exam and have the docs in the mail
for my recertification by 2PM yesterday. I will share your site with all of my trainer colleagues! PS:
Please send this note to your boss for me." Maggie SheldonGlendale, CA
"I cannot thank you enough
for your immediate and friendly help ....
I had been given another internet provider to use for CPR recertification. I had
difficulty using their site. I emailed....called and waited Friday - Tuesday to finally hear
a response from them. I would not recommend their services. But I would recommend yours!"
Amy SeamanAnchorage, AK
"I love this site.
My daughter-in-law is having her first child and I thought me getting CPR certified would be a nice present for her!
I needed the certificate in order to put in into the card at the shower, and your suggestion worked. Thanks again!"
Jo ThackerSan Diego, CA
"Just wanted to say thank-you.
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your promptness in handling my [printing] problem.
Your speediness in responding to my situation is commendable and I just wanted to say thank-you."
Tan KhuRalphs Pharmacy Manager #246 San Gabriel, CA
"The certificate is beautiful...
I will be putting it up on my wall at the school where I teach. I am very impressed with your
program on line. Again thank you. " Shirley LaidleyAvon Lake, OH
"Just a short thank you...
Never have I had such a great experience, with rewards, in receiveing on line help! You guys are
just G-R-E-A-T. I will recomend this site to my friends and most certainly brag about the GOOD support that you
guys give. Again thank you!" Sandra M. BrooksKing George, VA
"Thank you for your assistance and support.
I really like the ease of using CPRToday and have told many of my coworkers about your service and the ease of rectification for our CPR needs. Thank you for beginning this online service and continued good luck in
keeping it available for everyone's future needs." Jenny Hosfelt
"Nice course.
I like the new simplified updates. Thanks you saved me a few precious hours. It's about time!" Peter BellewMesa, AZ
"Thank you so very much...
Your company went above and beyond in every way expected so that I could complete
my training on my schedule. Thank you so very much!! I will be back in two years to re-certify
and I will tell everyone I know to use you. As a professional nanny, I can tell you it is usually
very time-consuming to try and fit a four-hour class in to the schedule. Thank you, Thank
you!!" Laurel StatonWinter Park, FL
I just finished my exam. What a wonderful way to get recertified!!! I went for the comprehensive course, it's great.
There are a few new things since my last exam. This is fantastic. Thank you!" Linda BaileySouth Bend, IN
"Your service is fantastic!!
I work in the child care industry and plan to let my fellow associates know about your company's
on-line program!!!" Courtney GuerreroTomball, TX
"This was great...
Terrific course. Convenient, comprehensive and very relevant. I will recomment this to
friends and coworkers." Frank PollicinoNesconset, NY
"Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You and the whole crew over there have always been most helpful. Have a great day, and again... Thank you."
Robert PiperDresser, WI
"You guys are great, treat your wives as well and your
home will be happy!
Thanks again, the convience of this service is wonderful."
Mary Gainey-EyamieFergus, Ontario
"...the course was comprehensive and covered the same material
as AHA and Red Cross courses...
Much better to do at own pace and at home. Will definitely use this course again."
Jennifer Jones, RNWaterford, CT
"Thanks for a great product...
I will recommend it to my other residents"
Bill J. Metaxas, DPMSan Francisco, CA
"I think you have a class "A" website...
I read and reread all your CPR information within a few hours, took the exam and passed with a
91%!" Karen AndersonBrockton, MA
"Referred your website to 2 of my nurse friends...
They also took your course today! Everyone was very pleased with the ease of navigation within the website,
and the very professional-looking certificate and card they were able to print after passing the course. Thank you
again for a great product!" Judy Raybeck, RN, BSPlano, TX
"Thanks for the certification...
I am an R.N. and don't have time to spend in class, this is great."
Valerie Scheffler Hamburg, NY
"I was very pleased with your CPR online...
There are so many scams around that people are a little hesitant to go for these offers.
I'm glad yours was not one of these! I was very happy to find your web-site and be able to participate. It saved me long hours
in class, and your course was as informative. It especially works good for people like me who have been in the medical field for
many years. Thank you again." Deborah Bidari, RN
"A perfect refresher...
I just took your adult/child/infant course and it was FANTASTIC!! I learned more than hours I've spent in the hands-on classes!!!" Kali Camara Sunnyvale, CA
"I needed to start my externship in pharmacy...
Put it off cause it cost too much and I didn't have the time to devote by spending a full day with people,
but being able to do this in my own home was wonderful. Thank you!" Michelle Bradley Stockton, CA
"Thank You!
I am very pleased with the ease and convienance of your site....
it was a pleasure" Maria Malta Katy, TX
"Thank you so much for your help
I will definatly be referring others to you and using you again in the future. Such incredible
customer service is so rare latley." Susan McDermid Julian, CA
"I really enjoyed taking the test on my own spare time online...
It's much easier than trying to find a class to fit into my schedule."
Shinetha Scott
"THANK YOU for your website!!
...this was the easiest, most convenient way I have ever been able to update my BLS. I am a nurse and I will tell all my friends and coworkers
who need to do BLS this is the place to go!!" Gwen Kim ArnoldBlacklick, OH
"You guys are all right...
By the way, the course was excellent!" Dennis CurtisFincastle, VA
"I printed and signed my certificate. Your site was very helpful.
It refreshed me on my skills. I recommended it to a friend."
Tonette CookNew York, NY
"Thanks for saving the day!!!!!
State [inspector] was coming and my file was one of the personnel files that they randomly selected. I was in a panic to get it done. Our facility had 0 deficiencies and a lapsed CPR would have cost me my job!"
Melanie McBrideLouisville, KY
"I found the CPR Today site excellent for a busy Mom.
I have attended classes for years, and was impressed when I went thru your class. I learned some new things about
infant CPR also. I did not feel I need a half day class (difficult to schedule with kids!!) to re-certify, and was relieved
to get what I needed on line. Site was easy to use and when I needed help my requests were answered promptly and
professionally. Thanks for a great online tool which I will not hesitate to recommend
to others!" Robin BriggsWashington, DC
"Your quick and efficient exam was a life saver...
I needed to renew mine a.s.a.p.!! Thank you." Jenna MorseSan Diego, CA
"I really enjoyed your class...
This was so much easier than sitting in a class room for 8 hours. Do you have any type of renewal class expected?
Thank you!!" Leah Montgomery, LVNGeorgetown, TX
"I Found Your Course Very Helpful With Real Life Situations...
Very Easy To Understand, And Helped Me Learn A Lot About Basic Cardio
Pulmonary Resuscitation. Thanks. (I'm A Female And Also Happen To Be
13 Years Old)" Devan Rebecca KraszewskiDuncannon, PA
"Great system...
Thanks!" Ethan Bliss Phoenix, AZ
"Thank you very much.
I enjoyed the couse tremendously. It was very informative." Andrea DeVoss Ridgeville, IN
"Thanks cprtoday...
I find it very easy, convenient & more interesting. I'll recommend cprtoday.com to the rest of my friends who need online course training. Thanks and more power!"
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